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For the French it is as common to drink tap water as bottled water. 75% of the consumers questioned explained that they use both. However, 51% will prefer to drink bottled water every day. 64% will point their index to the price too high and 44% do not find the interest it can bring to health
That said, 55% will defend tap water for the practical side. Accessible in no time at all to quench your thirst. 54% will find it cheaper than the one bottled and packaged in plastic. It is also a matter of taste buds, since 70% of those who refractory to tap water say they simply do not like its taste
On both sides, the quality of tap water is confirmed by nearly 3/4 of the respondents (74%). There are even 80% of consumers who say they trust it; and this at a time when the sensitivity of the origin of food has become of paramount importance. 97% of the French have acknowledged that they are fully aware of the controls that are carried out on the water
It is a study that was carried out among 1,004 people aged 18 and over, representative of all French people in metropolitan France in 2013.
The water that comes out of our taps, from groundwater and groundwater or spring water, is returned to the drinking water supply through a complex process of water treatment in a highly regulated and state-controlled factory, we are told.... !!
As proof to the contrary, you are not afraid to consume it without moderation for your health....
...but more and more people will choose a water treatment system: for what reason?
For many French departments, and more particularly in Eastern France, the hard water content is hard. On the other hand, less hard water is said to be soft or even acidic.
There is no impact on health (the water remains clean) but it would be better for everyday comfort:
- Scaling on appliances that heat water above 65°C.
- Whitish traces on taps, sinks and other water washed taps.
- More frequent use of detergents and soaps (they foam less and are less effective)
- Irritation of the skin and scalp.
There are limestone filters based on polyphosphates but they are strongly discouraged for health and the environment. Remember the washing advertising period without phosphates! They are still available in DIY stores and many are caught because of the attractive price
Times change but not the tests. Tolerance thresholds set on which recent studies? It is mainly for the following reasons that many families have opted for a water filtration system:
- Water that is not pure enough: nitrate levels, sulphates, iron, pesticides, aluminium salts, medicines...
- Use of a well, spring water, borehole...
- An area exposed to the risk of pollution (Gironde, Brittany...)
- Water that is too acidic and causes corrosion of household appliances and pipes
80% of the French trust tap water, yet 70% complain about the bad taste...
- Many consumers are changing their consumption habits.
However, using a water treatment system is cheaper and more efficient than buying it in bottles.
The drinking water in your home is treated in the factory after mandatory testing for only 60 pollutants compared to thousands. The cost of analysis is very high and privatization makes companies prefer to spend less and are not obliged to do more...
We will add chlorine, aluminum salts (Alzheimer's), we will only filter the mandatory pesticides, we will respect the levels of drugs in the water that are set, we do not know how and under what influence... In short, even with homeopathic doses ingested, we should not be surprised by other health problems in the coming years on our population (see article and video from the blog: tap water danger)
According to Marc Laimé's article Le Monde of 13 June 2015, the French water school, which lived its first days in the 1960s, serves as an example of the water management models that are still being exported around the world. But the strength of some interest groups has finally overcome this know-how that belonged to everyone and made a profit out of it. It is a market of about 25 billion euros in France and every year! The results are disastrous and it is due to an overbidding of practices, each more obscure than the next
- oligarchical
functioning - public money held by private operators
- disastrous degradation of resources
All this would herald a real environmental cataclysm that unfortunately nothing could stop.
Only everyone's action could help us protect ourselves.
Hose for osmosis machine - water purifier - refrigerator.
Diameter 6.35 mm - 1/4 " inch.
Sold by the meter.
1/4 fitting for plastic food pipes from 6mm to 6.5mm.
A dedicated product for connecting a filter / filter holder
This type of fitting allows you to adapt a 3/8" tube to a 1/4" inch tube
3/8" corresponds to 9.52mm with a tolerance of approximately 8 to 10mm.
1/4" corresponds to 6.35mm with a tolerance of approximately 6 to 7mm
An essential accessory for filter doors.
These rings make it easy to centre the filter cartridges so that they are properly aligned when reassembled.
For 10-inch filter holders.
For standard 10" inch filter holder.
The essential accessory for your filter.
Easily connect a water filter under your kitchen sink.
This regulator protects water purifiers, osmosis units and other appliances.
Some homes don't have a pressure relief valve to protect their pipes, so this accessory is needed to prevent water hammer and excessive pressure in the pipes.
Ideal for use with a 1-tank water filter
and those who are short of space.
compact 2-in-1 cartridge:
The essentials of water treatment in a single filter cartridge.
For standard 10" inch filter holder.
High-efficiency cartridge.
Fits a 10-inch filter holder.
Specifically designed to remove iron, manganese and hydrogen sulphide
Cartridge suitable for 10-inch filter doors.
For 10-inch filter holder - FLAR
With this appliance, we're declaring war on limescale deposits in your washing machine and dishwasher.
Can be used with 1 standard 10" inch cartridge:
Cartridges visible at the bottom of the page
Special tap for purifier or osmosis plant
Made of lead-free 304 stainless steel - anti-fingerprint treatment.
Cette clef vous permettra de visser/dévisser la cartouche de votre purificateur d'eau 4 en 1 pour la remplacer.
A cheap price for your activated carbon and sediment filter cartridges
You can store them and benefit from an advantageous price.
Allows you to create several filtration stages
and easily add more later.
Bisphenol A-free product, made in Europe
Depending on the cartridges used:
Don't forget to order the appropriate 10" inch cartridges.
Plan to change your filters when needed with our water meter.
This water meter will be very useful to quantify the volume of water that has passed through your filters.
An adjustable alarm warns you when the volume has been reached.
The BIRM® 10 µ filter cartridge filters out excessive levels of iron, manganese, arsenic, chlorine and reduces the amount of nitrates in the water
This product is replaced by our modular water filter
Removing deposits from water
Bisphenol A free product, made in Europe
Don't forget to order the appropriate 10" inch cartridges.
This 10 µ KDF® cartridge mainly treats heavy metals (lead, aluminum, chromium and mercury) as well as micropollutants (pesticides, herbicides and dissolved organic matter).
The UVC lamp neutralizes bacteria, viruses, moulds and yeasts present in the water and prevents the development of legionella in the network. The power of the lamp varies according to the volume and quality of water to be treated, thus avoiding overconsumption of electricity and extending the life of the lamp.
This device is used to dynamise water by creating a vortex that stirs and accelerates the water's circulation.
It allows the water to be restructured, to regain its original properties and also neutralises the formation of limescale.
A system inspired by the major discoveries of Viktor Schauberger, which has not yet finished surprising us...
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