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Which water filter pitcher, osmosis or water purifier to choose ?

Which water filter pitcher, osmosis or water purifier to choose ?

Tap water is subject to strict quality controls. As with plastic water bottles, these controls aim to prevent bacteriological risk and to limit the presence of parasites that can cause illness to consumers.
However, these waters may contain traces of certain chemical substances such as pesticides, drug residues, treatment products such as chlorine, aluminium salts or even micro plastics...
To ensure a better quality of water to drink, to avoid pollution, the cost and the chore of plastic bottles, most French people opt for water filters. Are they reliable? Which one should you choose, a water filter pitcher, a reverse osmosis system or a water purifier? BIOPUR HABITAT gives you its opinion on the subject.

The water filter pitcher, a rather mixed solution

Like all other types of water filters, the water pitcher filter is supposed to purify and "make tap water healthier". It appears to be more ecological and economical compared to the adoption of bottled water. However, according to a survey carried out in France by the "Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation" (ANSES), the use of the carafe filter "may cause the release of contaminants such as potassium, ammonium, silver ions or sodium" into the drinking water.

Some water filter pitchers have also been shown to lower the PH of water. According to the WHO, drinking water should have a neutral pH of between 7 and 8. Unfortunately, the carafe filter produces water with a pH of around 6. This makes it easier for the water to be released, especially when heated in ceramic or metal utensils (saucepan, kettle, etc.).

According to ANSES, the misuse of filtering carafes can increase the risk of microbiological contamination.
Indeed, when a carafe is not filled with water, the filtering mass is partially immersed, so "the humidity, the air and the porosity of the filter are a perfect nest for the development of bacteria, moulds or fungi!
If we take these details into account, we can conclude that the best pitcher filter is not necessarily a carafe. It is better to opt for another solution.

filter pitcher

Water purifiers, a great way to filter tap water

Discreet and easy to install, it filters water before it leaves your taps without changing the pH of the water. A water purifier is used to remove bad taste from water, bacteria and other micro-organisms. Water filtered by a water purifier can also be used to water plants and animals without fear of poisoning them, as it does not alter the natural quality and retains the minerals. Purifiers offer a number of other advantages that put them ahead of jug filters and osmosis systems. In concrete terms, a water purifier helps to :

  • improve the taste of the water,
  • filter out nitrates, pesticides and heavy metals,
  • remove excess limescale from the water,
  • filter water while preserving the minerals it contains.

Unlike an osmosis machine, purifiers are very compact and run without electricity. This makes their use more economical, but also environmentally friendly.

How to choose a water purifier ?

Choosing a water purifier can be a real headache. That's why we advise you to "define your requirements and needs" in advance. If you want a space-saving and exceptionally efficient system, the ideal choice is an under-sink purifier. This type of water purifier has the advantage of being very discreet and efficient, as the filtering masses never come into contact with the air. This solution is suitable for homes and businesses.
BIOPUR HABITAT offers you its 4-in-1 purifier which allows you to have water of impeccable quality. It is composed of 4 different stages of fine filtration:

  • a finer mesh filter,
  • an activated carbon filter,
  • a 0.01 micron filtration membrane

This 4-in-1 technology allows you to "consume water without chlorine, drugs, pesticides or heavy metals". You will find the good taste of pure water. The 4 in 1 purifier also preserves the minerals and trace elements contained in the water.

water purifier

You can optimise the efficiency of the 4-in-1 purifier by installing the BIOPUR HABITAT 3-way tap. This type of tap is very practical, as it avoids the need to install two taps: one for hot and cold water, and the tap for water purification. It offers great comfort of use and saves space. It is made of 304 stainless steel, which makes it durable and corrosion resistant (guaranteed for 5 years). The "special purifier" 3-way tap is lead-free and has an anti-fingerprint coating. Flexible and easy to swivel (360°), it can be adapted to all types of sinks.

Maintenance and installation of a water purifier

Regardless of the model, water purifiers are easy to install with their specific taps.
Installation tips for a DIYer:

  • Attach the filter under the sink with the 2 screws.
  • Turn off the main water supply.
  • Open a tap so that the residual water can flow and the general pressure can drop.
  • Loosen the cold water supply hose under the sink and install the T-adapter.
  • Insert the supply tube into the T and then connect it to the filter, the connections are automatic, no tightening or sealing required.
  • Then connect the purifier outlet to the new tap, again the connections are automatic!
  • Only the tap and the hose will need to be unscrewed and screwed down for installation.

The BIOPUR HABITAT 4 in 1 purifier is sold in a complete pack ready to be installed. Its installation does not require any welding work. So you don't need to be a DIY genius to install it. All you have to do is follow the instructions that come with the pack on delivery.

3-way mixer tap

If you wish to keep your kitchen mixer tap then it will be possible to install a 1 way tap. These small taps are the same size as those found in caravans and motor homes.

The best carafe filter

The purifier has small dimensions that allow it to be easily placed in a kitchen cabinet, it is less than 10 cm in diameter and only 40 cm high.

To enjoy the many benefits of the water purifier, it is essential that it is well maintained. To do this, the cartridge must be changed from time to time. This prevents the accumulation of over 2000 types of bacteria in poorly filtered water. The ideal is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Our 4-in-1 water purifier is equipped with backwash technology. This extends the life of the cartridge to 2-3 years without replacement.

The osmosis: more disadvantages than advantages ?

The osmosis plant was originally designed for use in space stations and ships. Its role is to recycle water containing urine or salt. Unfortunately, it also removes mineral salts that are useful for the human body.

Thus, water treated by reverse osmosis has the power to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them.
To detoxify the body in the form of a cure, it is an effective water... for a few weeks only. Beyond that, our body would suffer a deficiency caused by too much flushing of our organism.
In the long term, this consumption of distilled water can be dangerous. It causes a rapid loss of sodium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements, the deficiency of which could lead to cardiovascular problems.
Also, cooking food in distilled water (by reverse osmosis) removes much of its nutritional value by removing the minerals it contains.

Osmosis unit

As this water is very acidic, the acidity of the body will also increase.
Drinking water without minerals can greatly increase the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary heart disease or diseases associated with premature ageing. Premature ageing is directly related to the accumulation of acid waste in the body.

Characteristics and installation of a reverse osmosis system:

  • It rejects almost as much polluted water as it produces osmosis water.
  • it requires a drain for the rejected water.
  • It needs electrical power to operate.
  • It is bulky and more complicated to install.
  • there are many cartridges to replace.

It cannot be said that it is an economical or ecological device...

The latest and most sophisticated osmosis machines are equipped with remineralising cartridges, so we can really ask ourselves if there is any point in demineralising the water and then remineralising it ?

A speech that is more commercial than objective.

After years of media hype, sellers of salt water softeners and osmosis machines have succeeded in convincing people that limescale is harmful to our health, while mineral water retailers have also succeeded in convincing us of the goodness of their mineral water.

Water savings

This is quite a contradiction, and the solution would surely be the best of both worlds:

  • hard water that is harmless to our appliances and boilers.
  • water that is balanced in minerals and free of pollutants for our health.

The water purifier, the long-term solution

For drinking water you will have understood that this is our preferred choice.
It has many advantages:

  • simple and ergonomic use.
  • Improved taste quality of the water.
  • Efficient filtration of pollutants.
  • preservation of minerals.
  • fairly easy installation.
  • Infrequent cartridge changes.
  • No electricity consumption.
  • space-saving size.

With this system you can effectively influence the water that you and your family will use every day for drinking and cooking.
Now you have a better understanding of how to improve the quality of your water, by conserving minerals and limescale!

For your household appliances, boilers, coffee makers, kettles... you will also find other solutions to neutralise limescale formation and extend their life.

We hope that after having better informed you on these important points, you will now be much better equipped to make a more informed choice on the water purification system that will give you everything you need.

Posted on 2022-03-11 by Fred. Drinking water supply 5 29390


  • Arkan

    Arkan 2023-12-08 Reply

    Je comprends que vous devez vendre votre système, mais il n'y a absolument aucune étude scientifique montrant que l'eau par osmose inversée retire les nutriments cuisinés avec elle, ou vienne pomper ceux de notre corps. Une fois dans l'estomac le PH d'une eau n'est plus trs important puisqu'il est dilué dans tous les cas par l'acide gastrique qui est de loin plus acide. L'eau pas osmose retire en effet des choses comme le calcium et le magnésium contenu dans l'eau, mais cela ne représente qun faible pourcentage de l'ensemble des apports quotidiens que les gens devraient avoir à travers l'alimentation. Pour compenser il suffit d'augmenter un peu sa consommation d'aliment riche dans ces minéraux.
    • Biopur habitat

      Biopur habitat 2024-06-05 Reply

      Notre organisme essentiellement composé d'eau se situe en moyenne à 7,4 de Ph.
      L'eau traitée par osmose inverse comme l'eau distillée a la particularité de pouvoir absorber activement les substances toxiques de l’organisme et de les éliminer mais le problème est qu'elle élimine aussi les substances non toxiques, vous absorber simplement un liquide rinçant qui va aussi entraîner des carences en supprimant aussi ce qui est bon pour l'organisme. Il se produit un effet acidifiant sur le corps car elle fait baisser le Ph de l'organisme.
    • Biopur habitat

      Biopur habitat 2024-02-07 Reply

      Pour ceux qui pensent que l'eau osmosée n'a pas d'impact sur le corps voilà une piste de réflection:,des%20ulc%C3%A8res%20ou%20des%20gastrites.
  • Mizanur Rahman

    Mizanur Rahman 2023-08-25 Reply

    Water quality is a pressing issue in Bangladesh, and it's heartening to know that water purifiers are gaining popularity. However, it's crucial that people are educated about how to choose the right purifier for their needs, considering factors like water source and purification technology

  • Katherine Chloe

    Katherine Chloe 2023-07-08 Reply

    This is a useful blog post comparing filter carafes, osmosis and water treatment options. I found the section on water filtration fittings particularly interesting. It's important to choose a water filtration system with the right fittings for your existing pipework. The blog provides a useful overview of the different types of fittings and how to ensure they are compatible. I enjoyed the detailed explanations and advice given in this article. It has definitely given me a better understanding of what to consider when choosing a water filtration system. Thank you very much for this informative article!

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