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One of the most powerful devices to install after the water meter to treat the limestone of your whole house:
This scale remover consists of 2 composite shells in which powerful rare earth neodymium magnets are placed. They must be assembled on the main water pipe after the water meter. Once the elements are in place around it, the assembly will be "pinched" using the BTR screws. The video on this page provides a better understanding of how to do this.
The principle of this system is to transform the encrusting limestone into aragonite, which is a form of crystallised limestone in a different way. When mineralized water passes through a strong magnetic field, the minerals will no longer bind together in the same way, we will see that it is no longer rigid and "sticky" plates or deposits that form, but a simple powder that goes away without rubbing or diluting easily with water. This magnetic phenomenon will act on the water for almost 2 days
This period of time is largely sufficient since the water will not remain unused for more than 2 days, except in exceptional cases.
For very large dwellings or high limestone levels, rather rare cases, it will be possible to complete the installation with small models on the water points that would still retain some traces of scale.
This device will be effective up to a water flow rate of approximately 30 litres per minute.
This corresponds to the inside diameter of a pipe of about 20 mm. This is what is usually used for a house with up to 2 bathrooms.
The pipes installed in your home may be oversized, so you can check what your home really needs by using the calculation method in our blog by clicking here: calculation method for water pipe diameters
Hard water is highly mineralized water. We will generally test the Th or Ph of the water to measure its content. However, these measures will not be very useful for an anti-magnetic scale since these characteristics will not be modified.
It is in fact by infiltrating the soil that water will carry with it rock particles and therefore minerals that will slowly solubilize in it. Limestone is mainly composed of calcium and magnesium, elements that are good for your health
This is why the use of certain water treatment systems is increasingly being criticized and solutions that make it possible to preserve the nutritional values of water are to be promoted. Softening water makes it more acidic by eliminating these good minerals. It should be noted that the rain is prohibited for consumption because it is too soft and bad for your health!
A more interesting alternative is to preserve water quality by only modifying its structure.
Same advantages as traditional salt softeners
but without maintenance, without over-consumption of water, no maintenance or proliferation of bacteria in the resins. Operates without electricity and without consumables to be provided
The Powermag Max Power is a water conditioner, scale inhibitor, of remarkable efficiency and more ecological than a salt water softener
◆ Fastening with solid and fast BTR screws
◆ The Max Power contains very powerful neodymium magnets that operate without electricity
◆ An ecological and economic system
◆ No maintenance or consumables to be scheduled over time
◆ Sustainable investment: dismountable, it will follow you in all your future homes!
How does a magnetic limescale remover work? Does it work? Do the magnets wear out? Does it remove limescale?
Download (6.61M)One of the shells of the system is already equipped with nuts, it must be placed on the wall side.
This system can be installed on all types of non-magnetic pipes.
They can therefore be used on plastic, copper, aluminium, etc. pipes.
You can check if your pipe is compatible with a small magnet or magnets on your fridge:
The solution if the hose is not compatible is to create a sleeve of about 10 cm with a compatible hose.
This can also be an opportunity to install a filter if you do not already have one.
The magnetic field does not pose any problem on other common electrical appliances, just beware of small devices such as watches, calculators or magnetic bank cards whose operation could be altered if they are placed nearby.
It is advisable to place the system as close as possible to the installation to be protected from limescale.
Beyond 40 metres the performance will be greatly reduced.
Magnetic limescale removers only act on the formation of limescale and do not instantly destroy the pieces that come from the water supply system.
They also do not act on sludge, sand and other impurities that also come from the water system.
In the long term, filings or iron particles could also accumulate in the magnet and negate its performance.
This is why the use of a filter is recommended to retain these elements and improve the overall quality of your water.
The general water supply pipe is often oversized, which is why the system can be installed on pipes up to 32mm but the maximum water flow that can be handled should not exceed 28l/min which corresponds to a pipe with an internal diameter of 25mm.
You can check this diameter if you wish with the calculation method described in our blog:
If the flow rate is higher or the water is more hard, the installation of several devices can improve efficiency.
*For a pipe with a diameter less than or equal to 16 mm, it will be necessary to provide a few turns of electrician's tape or other material to take up the slack.
La forme arrondi conçue pour épouser la forme des tubes créé un espace entre les aimants et atténue la sensation de puissance. Il suffit de mettre les anti calcaires dos à dos pour se rendre compte de là puissance.
Dans votre cas, c’est le calcaire qui s’était déjà formé qui se décroche. C’est parceque le système agit. Il faut alors nettoyer ce qui s’est décroché mais cela ne reviendra plus avant un long moment…
Merci de bien vouloir revenir et modifier votre avis dans quelques temps quand vous aurez constater que justement ça fonctionne.
Ce que vous croyez être un problème et juste la conséquence du nettoyage qui est en train de se produire.
Bonjour, pouvez vous nous contacter afin que nous puissions vous aider à faire fonctionner votre matériel ? Merci
Qui ne voudrait pas payer moins cher...?
Attention le calcaire déjà présent ne s'en va pas, aussi il faudra mettre un filtre pour plus d'efficacité.
Bonjour, il faudra attendre quelques semaines pour constater que le calcaire se reforme moins vite et qu'il est plus facile à nettoyer que du calcaire classique.(calcite contre aragonite.)
Bonjour, l'efficacité se voit sur du long terme. Disparition des plaques de calcaire, de robinets bouchés etc...
Il y aura toujours un dépôt mince qui se forme sur les resistances mais n'epaissit pas.
Même avec un adoucisseur à sel, du calcaire se forme dans une bouilloire. L'eau s'évapore, les minéraux restent...
Le calcaire qui se forme n'est plus incrustant. Il s'evacue avec la circulation de l'eau en restant en suspension dans l'eau.
Notre système n'enlève pas le calcaire existant. Sur des éléments propres il revient beaucoup moins vite, sera beaucoup friable et facile à nettoyer.
Les résultats chez vous ne sont pas normaux ! il doit y avoir un problème. Vous ne répondez pas au téléphone alors que nous vous avons laissé un message, ni aux mails et ne comprenons pas votre refus d'aide pour trouver la raison de ce mauvais résultat ?!
Bonjour, nous n'avons pas validé votre commentaire.
Pourquoi attribuer une note inférieure à la moyenne des résultats actuels alors que vous n'avez pas d'opinion ?
La note que vous attribuez peut être changée par la suite, alors pourquoi attribuez vous une mauvaise note au produit ?
Nous validerons votre notation lorsque vous aurez une opinion réelle.
Bonjour, après notre conversation téléphonique, je vous confirme que l'adoucisseur a sel que vous aviez acheté chez un confrère ainsi que notre anti calcaire ne correspondent pas à ce que vous recherchez !
Vous êtes un grand amateur de thé et chercher une eau adaptée à votre passion.
Pour avoir une eau de meilleure qualité gustative ainsi que 0% de dépôts calcaire en la faisant bouillir, un osmoseur ou un filtre en ultrafiltration serait bien plus adapté. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser de l'eau déminéralisée.
Il est bon de rappeler que les adoucisseurs d'eau ou les anti calcaires :
Un adoucisseur à sel aura même tendance à modifier le goût de l'eau !
Bonjour, les aimants néodyme sont côtés en bourse et coûtent très cher, surtout en 12800 gauss c'est très rare. (aimants néodyme, dits en terre rare...)
Si nous pouvions utiliser des aimants en ferrite qui sont beaucoup moins cher nous le ferions mais ça ne fonctionne pas.
De même qu'on ne peut pas avoir de l'or au prix du plomb... sauf si on est magicien !
Le délai peu être plus long quand on commande avant le week-end ou pendant les périodes de fêtes.
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Automatic self-cleaning filter Equipped with a pressure reducer and pressure gauge
An upgradeable system |
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Allows you to create several filtration stages
Don't forget to order the appropriate 10" inch cartridges. |
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High-quality BPA (bisphenol) free filter housingCan be used with 1 standard 10" inch cartridge:
Cartridges visible at the bottom of the page |
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A cheap price for your activated carbon and sediment filter cartridges |
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Filter cartridge centring device An essential accessory for filter doors. These rings make it easy to centre the filter cartridges so that they are properly aligned when reassembled. |
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Pleated washable cartridge - 5 microns Washable, longer-lasting cartridges!
For standard 10" inch filter holder. |
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5 micron sediment cartridge 10 inches Efficient deposit filtration.
For 10-inch filter holders. |
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Activated carbon cartridge Block 10 inch 10 microns Replacement cartridge for activated carbon filtration 10 µm.For 10 inch filter doors. |
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Mixed cartridge - activated carbon - sediment Unique filtration cartridge for the whole house!Ideal for use with a 1-tank water filter compact 2-in-1 cartridge:
The essentials of water treatment in a single filter cartridge. |
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Activated carbon cartridge - GAC Coconut granule activated carbon
High-efficiency cartridge.
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Silver activated carbon cartridge - KDF GAC NS Bacteriostatic activated carbon
Cartridge suitable for 10-inch filter doors. |
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Specifically designed to remove iron, manganese and hydrogen sulphide
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Anti-fluorine and arsenic cartridge - FLAR For 10-inch filter holder - FLAR
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Double connector for modular filter Connect your modular filter holders together easily. |
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